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Exam topics

  1. Osmosis, diffusion, oncotic pressure
  2. Causes of uneven distribution of ions on the two sides of plasma membrane
  3. Transport of substances across plasma membrane
  4. Body fluids compartments. Composition and measurement.
  5. Generation of action potentials
  6. Muscle contraction mechanics. isotonic and isometric contraction.
  7. Contraction of smooth muscle
  8. Action potentials in the heart
  9. Pacemaker cells in the heart. Heart rate regulation.
  10. ECG curve and its measurement
  11. Cardiac and skeletal muscle contraction comparison
  12. Excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac and skeletal muscles
  13. Autoregulation of myocardial contraction (homeometric, heterometric)
  14. Cardiac cycle: meaning of all parts of the PV loop
  15. Cardiac output
  16. Relation between blood pressure and blood flow
  17. Blood pressure regulation
  18. Long-term regulation of blood pressure by the kidneys
  19. Neural regulation of cardiac output distribution
  20. Local regulation of blood flow (metabolic, myogenic)
  21. Coronary blood flow
  22. Circulatory system response to physical exercise
  23. Tissue fluid, circulation of lymph, regional differences in production of tissue fluid, Starling equation, capillary equilibrium
  24. Factors determining composition of alveolar air and arterial blood. Effect of dead space.
  25. Respiration mechanics. Respiratory muscles.
  26. Factors determining lung compliance and airway resistance.
  27. Respiratory work
  28. Factors affecting ventilation/perfusion ratio. Consequences.
  29. Diffusion of O2 and CO2 across the alveolar-capillary membrane. Limits of perfusion and diffusion.
  30. Oxygen-haemoglobin dissociation curve
  31. Transport of gasses by blood and factors affecting it
  32. Chemical regulation of breathing
  33. Neural regulation of breathing
  34. Functional differences between systemic and pulmonary circulation
  35. Types of hypoxia
  36. Spirometry: principle of measurement. Static and dynamic parameters of the lungs
  37. Renal blood flow. Its regulation and relationship to glomerular filtration.
  38. Factors determining glomerular filtration
  39. Glomerular filtration measurement. Renal blood flow measurement.
  40. Tubular transport measurement
  41. Proximal tubule transport mechanisms
  42. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
  43. Renal secretion of potassium
  44. Renal secretion of urea. Ammonia metabolism in renal tubules.
  45. Creation of concentrated and diluted urine. Regulation of water intake.
  46. Kidney role in acid-base balance
  47. Factors determining acid-base balance
  48. Acidosis: causes and compensation
  49. Alkalosis: causes and compensation
  50. Skeletal muscle tone regulation. Gamma system.
  51. Voluntary contraction of skeletal muscles.
  52. Red blood cells. Erythropoiesis, function, and ontogenesis.
  53. Blood types. Rh incompatibility between the baby's and mother's blood.
  54. Haemostasis and hemocoagulation. Factors.
  55. Swallowing: oesophageal motility, secretion of saliva, regulation
  56. Regulation of gastric motility
  57. Regulation of intestinal motility - small intestine
  58. Regulation of intestinal motility - large intestine. Defecation.
  59. Regulation of gastric juice secretion
  60. Regulation of pancreatic juice secretion
  61. Bile
  62. Regulation of intestinal juice secretion
  63. Digestion and absorption of water, nutrients, ions, and vitamins
  64. Metabolism of iron, phosphates, and calcium. Calcemia regulation.
  65. Thermoregulation. Heat loss. Ontogenesis of thermoregulation.
  66. Function of hormones
  67. Pituitary hormones and their importance for the development of an individual.
  68. Thyroid gland function
  69. Glucocorticoids
  70. Adrenocorticoids
  71. Endocrine function of the testes
  72. Endocrine function of the ovaries. Menstrual cycle.
  73. Endocrine function of the adipose tissue
  74. Hormonal changes during pregnancy. Placenta. Delivery.
  75. Changes in circulatory and respiratory systems at birth
  76. Hormones and trophic changes during postnatal ontogenesis
  77. Endocrine function of the pancreas. Regulation of glycemia. Clinical measurement.
  78. Neuronal action potential. Function of myelin sheath.
  79. Axon conductivity and nerve fibre typology
  80. Neurotransmission. Metabotropic and ionotropic receptors.
  81. Excitatory neurotransmitter systems
  82. Inhibitory neurotransmitter systems
  83. Blood-brain barrier. Glia cells. Extracellular milieu.
  84. Brain ventricles. Cerebrospinal fluid: generation, composition, importance. Intracranial pressure.
  85. Cerebral blood flow. Its regulation and metabolism of neurones.
  86. Reflexes: mechanism and classification.
  87. Spinal cord function
  88. Voluntary control of movement
  89. Role of basal ganglia in motor control
  90. Role of the cerebellum in motor control
  91. Regulation of gait and balance
  92. Autonomic nervous system
  93. EEG and evoked potentials
  94. Reticular formation of the brainstem. Modulatory systems.
  95. Sleep and wakefulness
  96. Limbic system. Motivation and emotion.
  97. Forms of memory
  98. Memory trace formation
  99. Speech and its disorders
  100. Eye
  101. Function of the retina
  102. Ear. Auditory transduction.
  103. Statokinetic system. Nystagmus.
  104. Olfactory and gustatory systems
  105. Somatosensory system, proprioception, pain


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