Development and function of the reproductive system

Dr. Hromadníková

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Table of Contents


Sex chromosome analysis

Sex chromosome analysis

Barr body in epidermal spinous cell layer Nuclear appendage in white blood cells

Formation of male genitalia depends upon the presence of a functional, secreting testis; in the absence of testicular tissue, development is female

Embryology of the reproductive system

Development of an ovary from the cortex and a testis from the medulla of a bipolar primordial human gonad

Embryology of the genitalia

Embryonic differentiation of male and female internal genitalia from Wolffian (male) and Mullerian (female) primordia

Reproductive system embryology

Differentiation of male and female external genitalia from indifferent primordial structures in embryo

Aberrant sexual differentiation

Karyotype of chromosomes from normal male

Chromosomal abnormalities

Four possible defects produced by maternal nondisjunction of sex chromosome at time of meiosis

Nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes during gametogenesis

Nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes during gametogenesis

Nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes during gametogenesis

Faulty mitoses in the early zygote, the production of a mosaic

Transposition of parts of chromosomes to other chromosomes

Nondisjunction of autosomes

Hormonal abnormalities

Male pseudohermaphroditism caused by androgen resistance

Postnatal development

Postnatal development

Puberty (adolescence) Final maturation of the reprod. system (estrogen and androgen secretion)

Secondary sex characteristics in boys at puberty

Precocious puberty

Classification of the causes of precocious sexual development in humans

Delayed or absent puberty

The period of sexual maturity

Climacteric Decline of gonad function

Pituitary gonadotropins

FSH - follicle stimulating hormone

LH - luteinizing hormone

PRL - prolactin

The male reproductive system

The male reproductive system

Spermatogenesis Formation of human sperm from primitive germ cell -75 days

Seminiferous epithelium


PPT Slide

Spermatogenesis Formation of human sperm from primitive germ cell -conditions






Endocrine function of the testes Biosynthesis of testosterone

Biosynthesis of testosterone

Plasma testosterone levels at various ages in human males

Endocrine function of the testes

Endocrine function of the testes Biosynthesis of testosterone

Mechanism of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone action

Biosynthesis of estrogens in men

Control of testicular function

Control of testicular function

Abnormalities of testicular function

Abnormalities of testicular function

Female reproductive system

Female reproductive system

Female reproductive system

Menstrual cycle

Ovarian cycle 1. Follicular phase of menstrual cycle

Mammalian ovary

Ovarian cycle Ovulation -2nd phase of menstrual cycle

Ovarian cycle Luteal phase- 3rd phase of menstrual cycle

Ovarian cycle


Uterine cycle induced by ovarian cycle

PPT Slide

Menstrual blood

Menstrual abnormalities

Menstrual abnormalities

Cyclic changes in uterine cervix

Vaginal cycle

Cyclic changes in the breasts during menstrual cycle

Abnormalities of ovarian function

Ovarian hormones


Biosynthesis of estrogens

Estrogens -effects

Female secondary sex characteristics

Estrogens -effects


Progesterone - major human gestagen

Progesterone - effects



Control of the cycle

Plasma hormone concentrations during 28-day human menstrual cycle

Feedback regulation of ovarian function

Control of ovarian function by hypothalamus

Feedback regulation of ovarian function

Feedback regulation of ovarian function

Author: Ilona Hromadníková, PhD

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